PantherSpider Headcannon #4

Though he was tutored in the best schools across the world, T’Challa is still naïve when it comes to American expressions. Sometimes this lack of understanding can lead to odd situations. There was one time, for example, when T’Challa arrived to Peter’s university to pick him up and he was met by his friends Mary Jane and Gwen. The two young women chatted with the king and when T’Challa asked why Peter hasn’t stepped out yet Gwen said that he was helping Flash Thompson with his essay. But then Mary Jane made the mistake of following it up by repeating the expression that Flash said, which was Peter would be dead meat if he didn’t help. Of course Flash was joking, albeit it was a morbid sense humor from the Black Symbiote. But T’Challa didn’t know that and rushed thinking he was going to rescue his beloved. Needless to say the photographer had quite a mess on his hands when Black Panther came bursting through the window and tussled with Flash, which prompted him to transform into Agent Venom. Luckily Peter managed to clear things up and T’Challa humbly apologized to Flash for jumping the gun. But Peter was still touched that his king came to his defense so valiantly. And yes, T’Challa paid for the broken window.

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