PantherSpider Headcannon #5

You know spiders just seem to have a need to lunge and bite people when they’re nearby, for no reason other that to just bite? Well this type of spider behavior crossed over to our dear spider-themed hero Peter Parker. Sometimes Peter will just be carrying on as usual at the Avengers HQ, when he sees one lone hand move across the table. His primal spider instincts then start to kick in and the next thing everyone hears is a manly shrill of pain. Tony, Bucky and Clint have been the three victims so far of Peter’s nibbling urges, and everyone else has since taken the precautionary measure of wearing bite proof gloves. Once Clint complained about how Peter never seems to bite T’Challa, and the Wakandan royal merely grinned and asked “Who said he didn’t?” before swaggering off with a suggestive thought lingering.

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