Batman Beyond: The Heir Spoiler-Free Notes

Originally, I wanted to make a preview to post from the first episode/chapter for you guys to enjoy. So instead I opted to share with you guys the spoiler free notes I’ve created for season/story one! I would also like to thank everyone for their support and kind words so far on this project. I am truly touched and very flattered.

In this take Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis and Warren McGinnis are family friends of the Wayne-Kents.

Bruce resembles his slightly younger self as he looked in the original episode “Out of The Past”. The reason is because Clark’s semen somehow had an adverse affect on his age during the time of Terry’s conception, making him age slower. However this does not grant him any other Kryptonian powers or physical advantages.

Given the Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics theme of this story, both original lore of the genre as well as headcannons personally created will be featured throughout all of the seasons.

Mary and Warren were infertile and asked Bruce and Clark to help them. This led to Warren getting a shot of Bruce’s more dominant DNA which enabled Warren to better perform and give him and Mary their son Matt McGinnis.

In this take, Willie Watt becomes an ally to Terry and Rex along with his robotic familiar Golem.

To avoid confusion Terry refers to Bruce as panjo, which is the Esperanto word meaning “mom”. Kryptonian language is a mixture of the Esperanto language and gibberish.

This story features various takes of DC media and lore, but mainly follows after the events of the Batman Arkham game series.

To explain why Barbra is married to Sam Young and not Tim Drake, the pair had just started to grow distant from each other after Bruce had left for exile. Barbra was more focused on following in her father’s footsteps as the new commissioner of the police department and Tim was trying to protect Gotham as it’s new avenger. After ten years of marriage the pair had an amicable annulment and carried on with their own lives, deciding to stay friends. Barbra then went on to marry Sam Young while Tim married the sixth Batgirl, Stephanie Brown.

Though Barbra started out paralyzed from the waist down after Joker’s shot she was healed, quite literally by magic, and was able to walk again. She pulled over Kent Nelson, then Dr. Fate, when the man was speeding one day to pick up a custom dress he ordered for his wife for her birthday. In order to keep Barbra from having his car impounded and letting him off with a warning he offered to use his magic to heal her paraplegic condition so she could walk again. When he did the second Commissioner Gordon was finally able to kick ass like she used to. 

Clark bought a large number of shares for the Daily Planet Newspaper during an attempted hostile takeover and would later succeed his former boss Perry White as editor and chief.

@sumi-ink-ninja @onimi18 @bbb35 @katsuyacrimson @lucy-dont-give-a-fuck @daughter-of-the-nonexistent @mines-bigger-than-yours @wavyknots @nanihoosartblog @superbatheadcanons

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