Status on PantherSpider Stories + a new Spider pairing

Hey everyone. I hope that you all are doing better today, and that June has been good to you. This week is definitely cooler than it was the week before. At least in my territory it is. So if some of you guys aren’t getting any cooler, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to rub my fair weather in your faces.

Anyway, that’s not why I’m making this post! I made it because I wanted to make a special announcement.

I have been noticing that quite a few people are liking my posts about my PantherSpider stories, which is a paring name for T’Challa/Peter Parker for those of you who are new to my blog. And likewise I see that said stories are getting quite a few kudos over on Archive Of Our Own. Because of that i felt it was time that I informed everyone on the status of my PantherSpider works. So I will answer some questions you may have on your minds concerning these stories.

Q. #1 = Have you stopped writing/shipping PantherSpider?

Answer = No to both! My love for PantherSpider is still going strong, and I certainly won’t stop writing for the pairing. I’ve just been running low on ideas. So if anyone has any suggestions feel free to send them to me. Please – I really am a nice person. The worst I can say is “no”.

Q. #2 = What PantherSpider works, if any, do you have planned?

Answer = I can’t go into too much detail about it without revealing spoilers, however what I can say is that this future story serial is an AU of elaborate proportions. I call it the Anansi-verse, and if any of you are familiar with African mythology you probably already can guess what that means. It will be a slow-burn type of story with several arcs in which Peter and T’Challa start off as friends. Then later on it evolves into something…more(*cough*romantic*cough*) as the serial fic progresses. This story will be posted exclusively to Ao3.

Q. #3 = Will the film Avengers: Infinity War(1) affect your PantherSpider works?

Answer = To be honest…I haven’t seen the movie yet. Yes, yes I know it’s been two months since it came out! But I’ve been using my ticket money to see the films of this year’s Studio Ghibli Summer Film Festival. And I’m trying to save money for a present for someone. I’m BROKE, people. Cut me some slack. However since I have been hearing talk about the film being emotionally intense I will hold off on any PantherSpider stories related to the MCU storyline and write either AU’s or stories related to the storyline of the Avengers Assemble cartoon.

Whew, finished! And with all of that out of the way, I can finally move on to the next part of this announcement.

As the title says I came up with a new Spider pairing. I was inspired to create it during the development of a certain arc within the Anansi-verse. I won’t bore you all with the excess details, though, so I’ll just get on with it. The pairing is…


….Erik Stevens/Peter Parker! Which I also call GoldenWeaver, in reference to the Golden silk orb-weaver spider. Why? Because Erik’s persona name is Golden Jaguar and Peter’s hero name is Spider-Man and spiders weave webs. Don’t try to turn a simple explanation into a conspiracy theory.

Now I’ll say this right off the bat – I have two GoldenWeaver stories planned out. And neither of them are set in the canonical events of the current Marvel Cinematic Universe. Some events from the movies will be mentioned and or referenced, but other than that these stories are alternate universes. Like the Anansi-verse both of the GoldenWeaver stories will be posted exclusively on Ao3. And while I can’t reveal the plot of the first GoldenWeaver story, I can give you all a summary sneak preview of the second story. 

So if you guys are really, really curious then comment with a leopard and spider emoji and tell me that you want to know about the story. But if you’re not all that curious then I’ll keep it hush-hush. Either or is fine with me. Well that’s all I got to share. And with that I’ll be on my way.

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