
A terrible doodle of Donnie!

But he’s got his tool belt off and there’s enough room on that couch for two.

Wanna join?

Hey, this doodle is better than what I’ll ever be able to make. It’s not terrible in my eyes. Don’t downplay your skills so much, @garnetshell. Anyway I’m happy to join! But I’m sorry to say that it’s only a written piece. Hope that’s okay!

Deciding to take up Leonardo’s offer of visiting the realm he lived in with his family, Usagi informed the Daimyo that he will be taking a vacation to the turtle’s realm. The grand master happily approved of his favorite samurai going away for a rest, saying that he needed it. And so Usagi went the realm his friends called home. He got quite the warm reception by the Hamato family, and he even got to meet their human friends Casey Jones, April O’Neil and Angel. Each turtle spent a little time with Usagi and introduced him to various modern things.

Leo introduced Usagi to the joyful wonders of skateboarding.

Raph showed the rabbit yokai how great video games are.

And Mikey unveiled his entire comic book collection to him.

But while Usagi spent a lot of time with three of the brothers, and even some time with Master Splinter and the three humans, he wasn’t able to spend time with the fourth brother. The smartest turtle of the bunch – Donatello Hamato. Or just Donnie, as he preferred to be called. In all of the three days Usagi has been there at the lair he’s lucky to catch so much as a glimpse of that signature purple mask belonging to the intellectual terrapin. His family and friends all said that Donnie was just focusing hard on a new invention and was keeping to himself. Apparently this is quite common for him, and he would only step out on occasion to shower and eat late at night or to train. At the times when he would train Usagi would keep his distance as not to disturb Donnie or his brothers. However he did sit on the sidelines to watch. And every time he was amazed by Donnie’s skill.

Of course all four turtles were accomplished ninjas with their own unique move sets…but Donnie was different. From the way he moved to how he wielded his bo staff, there was a certain grace to him. A grace that reminded him of Kabuki dancers and the like. It got to the point where Usagi could practically envision the intellectual terrapin in a gorgeous lilac kimono and dancing ever so gracefully. And he would dance just for him…

Immediately though Usagi shook his head of those thoughts as he laid in bed. He should not think so inappropriately of Donnie! He is a guest in the honorable Master Splinter’s home. It would be greatly disrespectful to think such things of his son…his intelligent, kind, loyal, witty and divinely gorgeous son. GAH!! Get a hold of yourself, Usagi!

“Grr…” The rabbit yokai groaned in annoyance as he rose up from the futon in the guest room that he slept on.

His thoughts were obviously not going to leave him any time soon. So he decided to go to the living room out front and watch a bit of TV. Of course he would make sure not to play it too loudly, as not to awaken the sleeping Hamato family. So with every bit of quietness he could summon Usagi crept out from his guest room to the living room. He was expecting a darkened space with no one there but the shadows. However he was surprised to find a dim light filling the room…and Donatello sitting cross legged on the couch. Usagi uttered out a soft gasp of surprise which made the purple masked turtle look away from the TV and look straight at the samurai.

“Usagi?” Donnie asked in surprise.

“Er…yes. Please forgive me for intruding. I couldn’t sleep and so I was going to watch a bit of television to try and lull myself to tiredness. But since you are here I’ll just be on my way.” Usagi said and started to turn back until Donnie called out to him.

“Wait, Usagi.” Donnie said, and the almost pleading tone in which he spoke tugged at Usagi’s heart strings. He couldn’t NOT turn back to him.

“Yes?” Usagi asked and was amazed that he didn’t stutter like he expected himself to.

“There’s no need to leave. I’m more than happy to share the TV. And besides, I haven’t hung out with you like my brothers have. So I owe you, if anything.” Donnie said with a smile then stretched his arm out, his hand beckoning to the samurai in a way not too unlike how a siren would call forth their victim. “Please, come sit with me.”

Usagi didn’t have the will power to say no. He immediately went over to join Donnie on the couch and sat just a foot away from him. He looked at the screen and saw that Donnie was watching an old murder mystery show of some sorts. It was apparently about the head doctor of a hospital who helps his police officer son solve various cases, mainly ones involving murder, with the help of two of his hospital staff. The pair sat in silence for the most part with Usagi sneaking passing glances at Donnie. He was even more beautiful up close. And he was so, so very close. The rabbit yokai could reach over and hold his hand if he wanted. But that would be overstepping his boundaries. There was one thing he could do though. Start conversation.

“So…how is your project going, Donnie?” Usagi asked.

“Oh, it’s going very well! I’m working on a new upgrade for the Shell Tank – a cloaking device. It will turn the whole vehicle completely invisible and give us an edge for covert missions. If all goes well I can do the first test run this weekend.” Donnie explained.

“Excellent. I’m sure your invention will prove to be a great success, Donnie.” Usagi said with a supportive smile.

“Thanks. By the way, how are you enjoying your time in our realm?” Donnie asked.

“I’m having a most exciting time. Your world is so wild and different, but that’s what adds to the charm. I really do enjoy it. And your human friends are very nice.” Usagi replied.

“That’s good to hear. Again, I’m real sorry for neglecting you like I have. I was just so focused on making the cloaking device for the Shell Tank that I couldn’t let myself get distracted.” Donnie said with an apologetic look.

“Please, there is no need to apologize. You are a dedicated person both to the ways of the warrior and to your craft. Such a level of devotion is an admirable trait to have, Donnie-chan.” Usagi said with a smile.

“…Donnie-chan?” The turtle asked in surprise.


When Donnie said that the samurai suddenly realized what he said. His smile slowly dropped as his face looked like he was looking right at a hungry Okami yokai intending to eat him. He could not BELIEVE that he said that out loud. “Donnie-chan” was a nickname for Donatello that he served strictly for his fantasies where the intellectual terrapin danced for him. Now his big fat, buck-toothed mouth went and said it ALOUD! Usagi immediately stood up and bowed in apology before the shocked ninja.

“I-I am truly sorry, Donatello! I didn’t mean to speak so improperly!” Usagi stated while also trying not to be so loud that he roused the other turtles and Master Splinter from their sleep.

When Donnie didn’t say anything at first Usagi was fearful. What if he didn’t accept his apology? What if he never spoke to him again? By the elder gods, how he cursed his damn tongue for slipping like that! Finally though Donnie did say something. But it wasn’t words. It was…a chuckle. Feeling bold Usagi turned his head up to look at Donnie and saw that he didn’t look angry or even offended. He looked amused. And…even flattered?

“Relax, Usagi. There’s nothing to apologize for. I’m not upset by calling me Donnie-chan.” The purple masked turtle said.

“You…aren’t upset? Truly?” Usagi asked in surprise as he straightened his whole body to stand up normally.

“No of course not. I was surprised but only a little. In fact, it sounds really cute coming from you.” Donnie said, a light blush now dusting his cheeks. “I wouldn’t mind if you called me that again, either.”

Usagi blinked in surprise as Donnie said all this, then he let out a tense breath he didn’t realize he was holding. What a relief that was to hear. He was so glad that he didn’t offend the one who he holds such great affection for. And now that Donnie says he wouldn’t mind him calling him by that nickname he felt more confident to ask for something he’s been wanting to do.

“Would it be alright if I were to hold your hand and perhaps lay my head on your lap while we watch television…Donnie-chan?” Usagi asked. At the question Donnie giggled a little before nodding.

“It certainly would be alright.” Donnie said, patting his lap to indicate that the rabbit yokai could rest his head.

Usagi was very elated by this new development but tried not to show it. Instead he merely gave a grateful bow and laid on the couch. His body was now stretched out while his head rested comfortably on Donnie’s surprisingly warm lap. It was his understanding that turtles, like all reptiles, were cold blooded. Yet Donnie’s skin felt like a pair of warm supple cushions. He supposed that was one of the quirks that came from being a mutant. But he didn’t care either way. He was finally fulfilling one of the fantasies he has had of his beloved Donatello.

“Your lap is very warm and comfortable, Donnie-chan.” Usagi said in a pleased tone, smiling as he looked up at the intellectual terrapin.

“I’m glad that it meets your standards.” Donnie said with a light chuckle while he took Usagi’s hand. “Say, could I give you a nickname?”

“You mean for me? Well, certainly. It’s only fair I suppose.” The samurai said.

“Great. Since you call me Donnie-chan…” Donnie paused then leaned down to whisper in Usagi’s ear that went over his lap. “…how about I call you Usagi-sama?”

The seductive utterance of that name was enough to make Usagi’s ears shoot straight up and his eyes bulge in shocked arousal. The name made him think of yet another fantasy – where his Kabuki dancer Donnie-chan would call him Usagi-sama as he pleased him in the comforts of their private quarters. But he was no where near the point where he was allowed to ask Donnie to fulfill that particular fantasy. So after calming himself down a bit he cleared his throat and gave a smile.

“Usagi-sama is just fine. But, perhaps it would be better if we spoke our nicknames in private. Your brothers are protective of you. And I fear they would, how do you say, ‘have me sleep with the fish’ if they knew of our personal nicknames.” Usagi said which made Donnie laugh.

“Mum’s the word.” Donnie said.

The pair continued to watch the TV show for a while before they were finally tired enough to go back to bed, bidding each other goodnight. And as he laid down to sleep Usagi smiled widely. This was definitely the best vacation he could ever have. Sadly though it had to come to a close and by the next week he had to return to his world. He gave his goodbyes to Leo, Mikey, Raph, Master Splinter, April, Casey and Angel while he gave Donnie a more personal goodbye in he form of a hug which was returned much to his inner joy. Before he left though the intellectual terrapin gave him an envelope and said not to open it until he was alone. Usagi promised to do so and once he was back in his own dimension and in his private quarters he opened the envelope. In it was a picture of him and Donnie dressed in traditional Japanese wear, the turtle wearing the very same lilac colored kimono that Usagi envisioned him wearing. And below that picture was a letter. It said exactly this,

“I heard you muttering ‘Dance for me, Donnie-chan’ in your sleep yesterday morning. Since I know you like Kabuki theater I figured this is what you had in mind. The next time you want to take a vacation on Earth again I’ll have the kimono in this picture ready for a ‘private dance’ just for you. Hope you’ll look forward to it, Usagi-sama.

With love, Donnie-Chan ~”

After he finished reading Usagi was already planning out his next Earth holiday. He could hardly wait to be “entertained” by his beloved Donnie-chan. And who knows? Perhaps with some luck he could convince the purple masked turtle to become Miyamoto Donatello in the foreseeable future.

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